2017 Taiwan Lantern Festival- Crazy Beehive Firecrackers Experiential Tour at Yanshuei. (Group, 2-Day) 【酷玩台灣】嬉遊鹽水,衝蜂炮 ★轎班著用等級防護裝備免費借用★【慶元宵一泊二食專案】

【酷玩台灣】嬉遊鹽水,衝蜂炮 ★轎班著用等級防護裝備免費借用★





#新年 #全球三大民俗慶典 #元宵 #鹽水 #蜂炮 #在地生活 #玩體驗





(「去鹽水看蜂炮,請勿擋在炮城前讓蜂炮打,正確的方式是扶著神轎犁蜂炮」大家去看蜂炮的時候要注意喔!  圖片來源: 鹽水蜂炮粉絲團  )






2/10 蜂炮為『熱身活動』差異為無主砲台。

2/11 蜂炮為『正式活動』




★蜂炮體驗時段並無列於保險之保障項目中, 請再妥善評估後報名




Day 1


新營火車站/嘉義高鐵站集合轉接駁車 或 自行前往『仕安嬉遊境空間構築工作室』





仕安嬉遊境空間構築工作室 CHECK-IN



三合院住宿體驗空間嬉遊境空間構築工作室 Diverting Scenes studio





● 於在地人推薦第一名阿姬意麵享用風味午餐









明天啟元年(西元 1621年),顏思齊、鄭芝龍率眾於台灣居住時,大陸移民即在此墾拓定居,成為漢人在台建立最古老的市街之一。清代因人口遽增,市街的東、南、 西三面,乃順從河與急水溪支流圍繞,地形有如一彎新月,又名月津或月港。因南方港口有鹽分海水注入,故稱鹹水港。其中,藏興街( 今橋南老街)面臨鹽水港口,位在中正路和月津路交會 處,為當時最繁榮的街道,也是清代鹽水通往府城的交通要道。目前仍有不少早期的街屋留存, 此種街屋的第一落都設計有半閣樓和樓井,貨物 可由此上下傳送。


月津港所在地鹽水是台灣最古老的城鎮之一,17 世紀已有漢人移民進入,是船隻進入八掌溪的集散地。鹽水地名的由來,因臨倒風內海,港內有鹹水而得名,又因地形略微彎曲,狀似新月,故稱為「月津」、「月港」,曾有「一府二鹿三艋舺四月津」的俗諺,繁華一時。日治時期,由於鐵路縱貫線改由鄰近的新營通過,區域中心機能為新營替代,加上布袋興建堤防而造成月津港的淤塞,鹽水榮景已不再。

沉寂數十年,民眾對於鹽水的印象停留在元宵節的蜂炮與小吃意麵,2000 年前後,鹽水蜂炮成為政府規劃的大型活動,並修復老街,強化 鹽水的地方文化特色。2010 年開始於月津港辦理燈會活動,以藝術進駐地方社區與傳統燈會,打造出充滿創意又結合在地文化與自然景觀的大型燈節活動。





晚餐於老街享用鹽水美食(自費)  (18:30前回基地集合著裝)


在地人帶路 - 蜂炮體驗






Day 2





一包米的力量x 仕安社區










★費用:NT$ 6000/人 1/2~1/10  ✦✦1/2-1/10新春早鳥優惠價NT$ 3900/人(65折) ✦✦  

㊟ 四人同行無限時段皆可享有早鳥價


  • 轎班專用等級蜂炮防護外套一件
  • 轎班專用等級蜂炮防護安全帽一頂
  • 在地人推薦第一名阿姬意麵風味午餐
  • 棉質手套兩雙
  • 旅遊平安保險
  • 仕安嬉遊境空間構築工作室住宿一晚
  • 第二日現做早餐。


★蜂炮體驗時段並無列於保險之保障項目中, 請再妥善評估後報名。

★需自備之安全裝備:棉質口罩、棉質毛巾、運動鞋 (勿穿涼鞋及高跟鞋)、麻質或棉質牛仔長褲(建議裡面還可以穿一件厚一點的內搭褲或衛生褲以抵擋蜂炮的衝擊力)。



『新營火車站/嘉義太保高鐵站-嬉遊境空間構築工作室』接送服務 (請於報名時備註預約)












2017 Taiwan Lantern Festival- Crazy Beehive Firecrackers Experiential Tour at Yanshuei. (Group, 2-Day)

Location: Tainan City, Yanshui
Duration: 2 days
Free Pickup & Drop-off
Date: 10th Feb. ~ 11th Feb. / 11th Feb. ~ 12th Feb. 
※ Overnight at: Diversting Scenes hostel
Limit: 8 people in a group
Price: NTD 6000/person 
★Early bird(during 2nd Jan. to 10th Jan.): NTD 3900/person (35% off!)★ 
Tag: #CNY / #TheThirdLargestFolkCelebration / #OldTown /#BeehiveFireworks / #GroupTour

World's most dangerous fireworks festival?! 
The “Yanshuei (Yanshui) Beehive Fireworks” is ranked as the third largest folk celebration in the world and is one of the most representative religious events in all of Taiwan. With hundreds of thousands of firecrackers all going off at the same time, it is a cacophony like hundreds of thousands of bees streaming out of their hives. The event attracts huge numbers of onlookers every year and is paired with the “Pingxi Sky Lanterns” in describing Lantern Festival activities: “Sky lanterns in the north, beehive fireworks in the south.” Tradition has it that the “beehive fireworks” originated in July/August, 1885 as a cholera epidemic raged in the streets of Yanshuei. Owing to the underdeveloped state of medicine at the time, victims of the disease multiplied daily and the local population lived in fear, praying to Guan Di, the god of war, to bring an end to this calamity and save them. Thus on Lantern Festival evening, Guan Di appointed General Zhou Cang as his guide, with Guan Di’s palanquin bringing up the rear. Following the palanquin were multitudes of the faithful setting off firecrackers along the road, winding their way throughout the city until the break of dawn, ridding themselves of this plague in one fell swoop. From that time onward, future generations followed this precedent, asking Guan Di to patrol the streets on the evening of the Lantern Festival. The “Yanshuei Beehive Fireworks” event consists of a circuit around the outskirts of the town by palanquins, each symbolically armed to the teeth, with thousands of local inhabitants and visitors clustered around them as they slowly wind their way through the streets. When the line of palanquins comes up to the residential gate of a business, the lead one sets up a large or small “gun deck” (also called a “gun wall”) on the street and then lights the fuse. The “gun deck” consists of thousands of rockets that ignite all at the same time, creating a deafening, bee-like sound that fills the air as sparks fly in all directions. Every year the ear-splitting power of these rockets and the excitement that comes in their wake attract crowds of tourists from both Taiwan and abroad to come “rush the beehive barricades”! People believe the “baptism of fireworks” gets rid of calamity and troubles, sweeps away noxious influences and brings increasing good fortune in the new year. 
★★★For more safety, we prepare Professional protective jacket and helmet of Beehive Fireworks with local guides for our customers.★★★

✱ 10th Feb. Warm-up (without main Beehive Fireworks fort)
✱ 11th Feb. Lantern Festival- Crazy Beehive Firecrackers

∷ ∷ ∷∷ Details ∷ ∷ ∷∷
Day 1 Xinying Train Station/ High Speed Rail Chiayi Station - Yanshuei

10:00-10:40 a.m. Xinying Train Station or High Speed Rail Chiayi Station pickup and driven to Diverting Scenes hostel for check-in. (about 20 minutes)
*about Diverting Scenes studio
Founded in 2015, by designer Lin Chien-Hua, DivertingScenes is a local brand and architecture design studio located in Houbi - a beautiful countryside of south Taiwan.
Chien-Hua graduated from Tainan National University of Arts Interbreeding Field as master degree and majored in House Revitalization. Studios work on remodeling the old house and community empowerment, creating a friendly space for living and managing operations to attract people back to rural. 2017 new project: Travel routes in rural village!

Arrive Yanshuei district which formerly known as Goat-tin-kang (Chinese: 月津港; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Goa̍t-tin-káng).[1] In 1901 during Japanese rule, Ensuikō Chō (鹽水港廳) was one of twenty local administrative offices established. In 1909, this unit was divided among Kagi Chō (嘉義廳) and Tainan Chō (臺南廳). In 1920, after reorganization, Ensui Town (塩水街) was placed under Shin'ei District (新営郡) of Tainan Prefecture.
Tour the downtown area and stop at sights including Qiaonan Old Street, Yongcheng Theatre, Yanshuei Catholic Church which was filled the interior with Chinese-style decoration and murals. , octagon building in Yanshuei and visit 2017 Yuejin Port lantern festival which invited international and local artists and art students to create lanterns.
Lunch at local yi noodles restaurant

Dinner timings are flexible and will be arranged with your guide (at your own expense).
(back to sight of Qiaonan Old Street before 18:30 to get individual protective equipment on)
19:00-22:00 Crazy Beehive Firecrackers Experiential Tour
Follow local guides to experience Beehive Firecrackers! With professional protective jacket and helmet, you could have more fun in this festival. 

22:30 Return to hotel
Stay overnight at the Diversting Scenes hostel.
Day 2 Shih-an village-Xinying Train Station/ High Speed Rail Chiayi Station (includes breakfast)

8:00-11:00 Walking in Shih-an, enjoying the tranquil life in the countryside
*about Shih-an village 
Do you know you can make many good things happen once you buy a packet of rice? It is eco-friendly, it can take good care of elders, it can support local farmer, and it can also beautify the environment! 
Shih-an, a traditional rural village with 600 residents. The residents with lots of ideas and strong beliefs founded a co-op social enterprise and planted eco-friendly fair-traded rice. 

Handmade breakfast is served from 8:00-10:00 a.m.

∷ ∷ ∷∷ Price Includes and Excludes ∷ ∷ ∷∷
✱ What is included?
-English-speaking tour guide
-Professional protective jacket and helmet of Beehive Fireworks
-Protective Cotton Gloves
-Lunch meals at first day
-Breakfast at second day
-one night sleep in Diversting Scenes hostel
-Travel Insurance 
-Free Pickup & Drop-off (Xinying Train Station or High Speed Rail Chiayi Station)
✱ What is excluded?
-Personal expenses, optional items and anything else not specifically mentioned

∷ ∷ ∷∷ Important Notes ∷ ∷ ∷∷
✱ For safety, customers with heart disease, hypertension, mental disorders, gestation or under 18 years old will not be accept for this tour.

✱ Any injured happened by beehive cracker are not in Insurance coverage, please double check if you could accept this terms.
✱ Please bring your own personal protective equipment as below:

Cotton mask, cotton towel, sports shoes (Do not wear high heels or sandals), cotton or Linen jeans( For absorbing the impact of fireworks you could wear with a heavier leggings or thermal under pants inside.) 

台南市鹽水區 / 台南市後壁區仕安里63號


チケット種別 販売期間 価格
新春早鳥票 Early bird- 元月十四場次(2/10-2/11)

2017/01/04 00:00(+0800) ~ 2017/01/10 00:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$3,900

~ 2017/02/10 10:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$6,000
新春早鳥票 Early bird- 元月十五場次(2/11-2/12)

2017/01/04 00:00(+0800) ~ 2017/01/10 00:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$3,900

~ 2017/02/10 10:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$6,000

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